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Shop Galleries
Linda's Portrait (Copy)
The Waterman (Copy)
Gardener with Red Boots (Copy)
Visions of Edward Hopper (Copy)
Pure Joy (Copy)
The Great Escape (Copy)
Beach Walk (Copy)
Dune Soldiers...On Guard (Copy)
Under The Boardwalk (Copy)
"The Match" Golf Buddies... (Copy)
"Innocence" (Copy)
Josephine’s Gaze (Copy)
Summer's Last Beach Day (Copy)
"At Mornings Light" (Copy)
"Stately Manor" (Copy)
"Cricket Warrior" (Copy)
"Blue Lady" (Copy)
Beach Day (Copy)
"After The Storm" (Copy)
"Farewell" (Copy)
"Still Water" (Copy)
Oysterman Haul (Copy)
Fishing In The Shallows (Copy)
"Balancing the Work" (Copy)
Glistening Bay Light (Copy)
Bridge Over Tranquil Waters (Copy)
"Magical Horizon" (Copy)
Sheltering In Place (Copy)
Cherry Blossoms in Long Island (Copy)
Awaiting Asylum (Copy)
Dragonfly (Copy)
"Standing Guard" (Copy)
Winter Lights and Fog (Copy)
The Waterman (Copy)
Orvieto Holiday (Copy)
"End of Day Play" (Copy)
Dances With Waves (Copy)
The Maryland Inn 1772 (Copy)
Fishing By The Light (Copy)
Oystermen in the Fog (Copy)
Annapolis Summer Garden (Copy)
“At Mornings Light” (Copy)
"Mason Jar Hydrangeas" (Copy)
Autumn Surprise (Copy)
"Start To A Chesapeake Work Day" (Copy)
The View (Copy)
"Sailing Before The Storm" (Copy)
Paca House Garden Bridge (Copy)
"Salty Dogs" (Copy)
St Anne's Church, Annapolis, MD "Misty Light" (Copy)
Annapolis Lamp Lights (Copy)
Magothy River Sunset (Copy)
Misty Annapolis Morning (Copy)
"Middletons Tavern" (Copy)
Bird House (Copy)
"Oh My"....Gone Fishing (Copy)
Misty Morning (Copy)
"The Yellow Boat"....Maine (Copy)
"Preening Flamingos" (Copy)
Protecting The Coast (Copy)
LeRoi (Copy)
A Day At The Beach....Cape (Copy)
"Infectious Smile" (Copy)
Safe Harbor (Copy)
My Sister-In-Law's Garden (Copy)
Splash (Copy)
Havana Harbor Sunset (Copy)
Oysterman (Copy)
The Cuban Fishermen (Copy)
Until Tomorrow (Copy)
On The Dock of the Bay (Copy)
Silhouettes at the Beach (Copy)
Blueberries (Copy)
Three Amigos...Original Sold/Prints Available (Copy)
Golden Marsh Egret (Copy)
Sailing Before the Storm (Copy)
Arboretum (Copy)
Country Garden Shop (Copy)
Yorkshire Wall (Copy)
English Country Road (Copy)
French Court Yard...Into the Light (Copy)
Portofino Light (Copy)
Avignon. Glow (Copy)
Fort Worden Beach (Copy)
Sunlight on Viking History (Copy)
Penguin Pride (Copy)
Fire and Ice .....Ice and Sunset (Copy)
Tuscan Steps Welcome You (Copy)
Tuscan Balcony (Copy)
Chateau Over Shimmering Water (Copy)
Sunny Path Home (Copy)
View Into a French Courtyard (Copy)
Across The Oxford Courtyard (Copy)
Museum Lion (Copy)
Sihlouettes at The Beach (Copy)
Reflecting (Copy)
Reflections (Copy)
End of the Day with Friends (Copy)
Sandy Point Spring (Copy)
Baloney Ocean Sunset Original Sold/Prints Available (Copy)
Pelicans Surfing (Copy)
Chesapeake Sunset (Copy)
Madison Beach Sailing (Copy)
Perch Pals (Copy)
Gliding Over the Reef... Original Sold/Prints Available (Copy)
Dancing Jellyfish (Copy)
Boatyard Sunset (Copy)
Daufuskie Island Sunrise... Sold (Copy)
Into The Woods 1 (Copy)
Into The Woods 2 (Copy)
View Through The Shutter (Copy)
Osprey Welcome on Return (Copy)
Marker #4 (Copy)
Bahamas God Rays (Copy)
Looking To The Light (Copy)
Christmas Flower (Copy)
Tuscan Village (Copy)
Whimsical Cottage (Copy)
Basel Old City View Thru The Flag (Copy)
Tuscan Courtyard (Copy)
Capri Courtyard (Copy)
Old Patriot (Copy)
Flowers in Utah Bryce National Park (Copy)
Shadows (Copy)
Zion Landscape (Copy)
Buffalo Winter (Copy)
Port Townsend View...Sold (Copy)
Banff Mountain View (Copy)
River through the Mountains (Copy)
Barbados Beach Flag (Copy)
A Winter's Night (Copy)
A Day To Be Remembered (Copy)
Reflections (Copy)
English Winter (Copy)
English Winter Scene (Copy)
"Marlin Breaking Water" (Copy)
Tuscan View (Copy)
Capri View Through a Gate (Copy)
Conch on the Reef (Copy)
Koi Bubbles (Copy)
Koi Pond (Copy)
YingYang (Copy)
English Countryside Sunset (Copy)
Glance Down The Fairway (Copy)
Gateway Canyon Desert...Sold (Copy)
Bryce Canyon Lady (Copy)
Apache Desert (Copy)
Napa Vinyard (Copy)
The Sound Of Waves...Sold (Copy)
Reproduction of Edward Hooper Sailing (Copy)
Our Angels (Copy)
Reproduction of Georgia O'Keeke Nude Woman (Copy)
Reproduction of Georgia O'Keefe Desert (Copy)
Four Eyes (Copy)
Park Pals (Copy)
Defiance (Copy)
Butterfly Dancing on a Flower (Copy)
Alone in Winter (Copy)
Snow Birds (Copy)
The Last Days (Copy)
Green Energy (Copy)
Sunrise on the L Train (Copy)
Fall Leaves (Copy)
Floating Flower (Copy)
Yupo Flower (Copy)
Beach Paradise...SOLD (Copy)
Brother-in-Law's House..SOLD (Copy)
Southern Living...Commission Sold (Copy)
First Home (Copy)